Erik Hetzner


Some projects I’ve worked on over the years.


  • xjslt an experimental XSLT 2.0 implementation in typescript that compiles to javascript
  • ledger-autosync automatically synchronize your bank’s information with ledger or hledger.
  • zotxt / zotxt-emacs a Zotero extension for supporting utilities that deal with plain text files (e.g., markdown, reStructuredText, latex, etc.)
  • Translator Framework for Zotero: Easily write screenscrapers for Zotero
  • Spydaap: DAAP Server
  • ervin: A FRBRized system for online collections


  • “A simple method for citation metadata extraction using hidden Markov models”. Proc. of the Joint Conf. on Digital Libraries, Pittsburgh, Pa., 2008 (PDF) Slides (PDF) and code also available.


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